Admin templates help you to create a perfect admin area and admin dashboard is just as important as the front appearance of your webpage or app. However, designing and developing all those layouts and pages can be very time-consuming. Thankfully you can create the dashboard and admin area with help of elegant pre-built templates.
Over the internet, you will find a lot of admin templates on different platforms and you may end up choosing the wrong one. Thankfully in this post, I have listed 99+ admin dashboard templates for four popular platforms. Every template in this list is quality full and you can choose any of these templates.
Let’s check these templates.
Bootstrap Admin Templates
Get the full poewer of admin dashboard in hand with Teachio admin dashboard template. It is built with latest version of Twitter Bootstrap and HTML. This template is packed with all the required features and functionalites that your dashboard requires.
You will be always able to create your admin dashboard and any sort application easily with help of Teachio admin dashboard template. Teachio is 100% device responsive and bound to look perfect on any screen sized devices.
If you plan to create and educational dashboard then this LMS based admin dashboard will be the best choice for you. This magnificent template will only cost you $19.
Astino is a Bootstrap admin template that comes with all the modern functions and facilities. This template is the hard work of some professional developers and designers. No matter if you are thinking for your project admin panel or site admin dashboard you can always create anything with the Astino admin dashboard templates.
Astino is entirely device responsive and will look absolutely perfect on any screen size devices. With help of this template, you will be able to check the total sum, manage orders, manage products, customers, coupons, and all other stuff. In a word, it is a solution for any dashboard panel.
Right now you are looking at the world’s no 1 Bootstrap Admin template that has been downloaded most of the time in the Themeforest marketplace. This admin template is extremely responsive and will adjust perfectly to any of your devices. It comes with 12 unique handcrafted demos, of which all are designed by professional designers. Moreover, there are 85000+ people are trusting Metronic and using this theme.
Limitless is one of the new professional admin dashboard templates that is based on the Bootstrap framework. It is a super powerful and very flexible tool which is suitable for any kind of web application. It comes with one main, three alternative layouts, 1000+ commented HTML pages, 100+ plugins, 1000+ components with different features and options.
Have you ever noticed material design icons comparatively large in any template? Well, the Pages template comes with it and the best part is when you resize them they will fit your web app. The whole dashboard design is kept the simplest and fastest. Pages is fully compatible with SASS.
Remark comes inbuilt with the latest version of Bootstrap and a lot of functionalities. It comes with a classic and material design that works well everywhere. Besides, there are 6+ different menu variations with a fully responsive design that adapts any sized display perfectly. One of the greatest attractions on this theme is Dark & Light Menubar, you cannot tell the difference until you use it.
Vuexy – the name may give you the feeling that it is for VueJS only, but that not like that. Vuexy is a powerful theme that comes with VueJS, Bootstrap, ReactJS, & Laravel version. Buy making one purchase you get a template for 5 different platforms. You will be able to build stunning apps with Vuexy by yourself. It offers five functional apps, two niche dashboards, and unique features like bookmarks, fuzzy search, etc.
Angulr is a web application template that comes with two versions Bootstrap and AngularJS. You will be able to complete any application process very easily with help of Angulr. This theme features lazy loading, nested routing, LESS CSS, Grunt tasks, and many more useful features. Plus every layout of Angulr is entirely responsive.
Porto is a very popular admin dashboard templates that comes with more than seven thousand sales. It comes with six different platform versions including – Admin, WordPress, Magento, Drupal, Shopify, and Joomla. It is simply the best choice for your new project. This theme is constantly improved with the latest design trends.
Elite Admin
Elite Admin is a Bootstrap 4 based admin template that comes with 20+ demos with the package. Not only that it also provides you 2000+ pages, 1000+ UI components, 9 color skins, and lots of widgets. Every project you complete with Elite Admin will be entirely responsive and those will appear perfectly on any sized devices.
Neon Bootstrap based admin dashboard templates is considered one of the most popular admin templates of all time. It is packed with more than 112 HTML files which offer you a huge variety of layout options and resources. In Neon you get a chat API integrated JavaScript client interface. From top to bottom everything in Neon is device responsive & retina ready.
Webarch admin dashboard templates comes with stress-reducing colors, paint your dashboard with colors now. The whole admin template is RTL ready therefore, you can create your app in any language you want. Webarch is highly customizable, reducing workload and time. There are unlimited possibilities with this theme, you would be amazed to see how these outstanding options will create you winders.
Ubold is a fully premium admin dashboard templates built with Bootstrap 4.5.0 in its core. It is packed with many handcrafted components. Ubold is entirely device responsive and you can easily customize this theme as you want to. The code used in this theme is super easy and gives power to any developer to build any real web application.
OneUI is one of the super flexible Bootstrap based frameworks that come with Laravel 8 support and will help you to build any kind of application easily. This theme is built with Sass and ES6 and comes packed with smart tools such as Babel 7, Gulp 4, Browsersync, and Autoprefixer. The entire theme is fully modular and lightweight.
FlatLab – a premium admin dashboard templates that comes with a flat design concept. This responsive admin dashboard template comes with Bootstrap 4.3.1 in its core and offers a huge collection of reusable UI components. This theme is easily customizable and a very lightweight template. It can be used for all types of web applications.
If you want to know a robust popular Bootstrap based admin dashboard templates, ProUI is one of the perfect matches for you. You can use this template for any kind of projects such as web application, websites, custom admin panels, admin dashboards, CMS, CRM, portfolio website, blog, business, etc.
Apex is a robust, flexible, elegant, modern, and responsive admin dashboard templates that is based on the popular framework called AngularJS and Bootstrap. Bootstrap allows you to customize the templated with infinite possibilities. Apex is packed with AOT, Lazy loading, 500+components, 2 niche dashboards, etc. Your browser can download a pre-compiled version of the application with AOT.
Gebo is a full-fledged, 2 column full responsive template that is based on Bootstrap. It is packed with lots of useful JS plugins such as charts, filterable & searchable list, multi-select, location finder, gallery grid, etc. It also features 2 sets of icons: glyphicons & splashy icons. You will also get a cool style switcher, a regular and extended form elements with it.
ThemeKit is a multi-packaged admin dashboard templates that includes numerous premium themes that are enriched for multiple niches. It’ is built with the latest Bootstrap framework and AngularJS that delivers you a fluid responsive experience. You will get 319 HTML pages along with a huge number of features and UI elements. UI component is developed for assisting your project to run smoothly.
Cork is a responsive admin dashboard templates that is built with the latest version of Bootstrap 4.5 to deliver you an ultra-responsive experience. It is RTL ready and Dark mode ready admin templated to give a modern feel. It features some pre-built apps like Mailbox, Chat, Contacts, task-board, etc. Its charts and maps are flexible and easy to customize.
Bucket is built under the popular framework called Bootstrap. It is also based on HTML5, CSS3, media query, etc that promises to deliver you fluid responsiveness. It is integrated with the latest jQuery and has a mass collection of effective UI components. You can use this admin template with all kind of web applications such as custom admin panel, CMS, CRM, etc.
If you are looking for a lightweight responsive admin theme that is created with Bootstrap and includes lots of UI elements, this is the right template for you. It comes with various layouts variants and theme skins which makes a total number of 136 HTML files. It also includes the popular model view controller JavaScript framework called AngularJS.
If you are searching for a flat and responsive Bootstrap framework, Flat is the right choice for you. It is one of the best admin dashboard templates that includes admin builder which allows you to add elements to customize your page with drag & drop. You will get 4 pre-built admin themes, each is built with HTML, AngularJS, and RTL variation.
Bracket is yet another premium admin dashboard templates that is based on jQuery and is perfect for your upcoming projects. It is also based on the latest Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3 to deliver you ultimate responsiveness. It also supports SASS. It is packed with some pre-built email templates, forms, robust UI components, pages, and much more.
Modern is one of the best premium web application kits with eCommerce, sales, cryptocurrency, and bitcoin dashboard that is powered with HTML 5, SASS, GULP, and PUG. It comes with 7 pre-built templates, 6 niche category admin templates that are designed with modern material design. It also contains 1500+ pages, 1000+ components, 100+ charts, and much more.
If you are looking for a powerful, brand new, super flexible, totally responsive admin dashboard templates, Clip-One is the right choice. Clip-One is packed with 2 complete themes: Clip-One admin RTL version & Clip-One admin version. Moreover, it has the Revolution slider included with it. You are also getting 25-page templates, 5 theme colors, 390 icons, CSS3 animations, etc.
Todo is famous for its flat UI with a clean style. It is completely responsive as it is built with the popular framework Bootstrap, HTML5, and CSS3. So it will support every modern mobile device screen. You will get 8 default color palettes with it and 2 runnable applications. Moreover, you will get pre-built web app layouts with it.
React Admin Templates
Stay ahead in the race with Metronic responsive react admin template that is trusted by more than 85000+ users. There is nothing called impossible in the dictionary of Metronic. With its 200+ widgets and 12+ unique handcrafted demos, you will easily create your web application of the admin dashboard in the way you want.
Fuse responsive react admin dashboard templates comes with Google’s material design. It offers 20+ pages lots of reusable react components and more. This template is not only great for kick-starter of your project but also great for learning some of the advanced aspects of React. Moreover, this SEO optimized template also provides you pre-built app examples.
Build stunning apps with highly customizable and developer friendly Vuexy admin dashboard templates. This template is available on Vue, HTML, React, & Laravel all four platforms, which means you buy one and get three for free. Vuexy offers you five functional apps two niche dashboards and unique features such as bookmarks, fuzzy search, and light & dark layouts.
Isomorphic is a react-redux powered single-page admin dashboard templates that uses progressive web application patterns for creating your next react application. This best selling reacts admin template comes with dockerfile, code splitting, and RTL support.
Clean UI Pro Bundle
Clean UI comes with more than 99+ widgets, 17+ apps, dark/ light themes. This modular admin dashboard templates framework comes to React, Angular, Vue, HTML, and Laravel framework. You are also getting several prebuilt apps, grid, layouts, default pages, mail templates, charts, and many more. You can expect fluid responsiveness and create whatever you want to.
Jumbo React
Jumbo Reach is packed with Jumbo React, you are getting 7 awesome dashboard built-in, so you don’t need to create a new one. You are also getting 6 built-in apps, 6 navigation style, 150+ widgets & metrics, etc. Moreover, it has multi-lingual support, Async loading, code splitting & MR, etc. You can create a quick MVP and any simple to a complex application with it.
Gogo is one the best ReactJS based admin dashboard templates that is also available on Vuejs & jQuery too. They are offering cool features like 10 color schemes, 4 pre-built templates, multi-lingual support, code splitting, keyboard shortcuts form validation & wizard, and much more. It also comes with awesome Icons Mind Webfont.
Able Pro 8
Able Pro can be the right choice if you want a template that consists of more than 8 pre-built admin panels. It is based on the latest version of Bootstrap and ReactJS. It is an entire flexible template that is easy to use and simple to manage all the elements in the whole template. Their documentation is well-detailed, so build your project with ease.
EasyDev is the best convenient admin dashboard templates that is convenient for developers for its React Components, clean code, and detailed documentation. You are also getting 200 UI elements to give your dashboard template more functionalities. It also comes with material UI, 100+ React pages, Free Icon fonts, two-color themes, and much more.
Gull admin dashboard templates is based on the latest ReactJS, Laravel, VueJS, Bootstrap, and AngularJS. It is entirely responsible created using SASS, HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery plugins. It is also built with smart developer tools like Gulp, Babel, and Browsersync. You will get 4 types of dashboards, 2000+ Icons Mind icons, 30+ card widgets, Login page, sign up page, etc.
If you want a good amount of pre-built unique layouts for your web application, you should not miss checking out Wieldy. It offers you 10 incredible layouts to save your time creating a template from the scratch. You will also get cool features like Firebase with APIs, HMR, code splitting, ANT design, Event calendar. There are a lot more.
Primer is one of the best admin dashboard templates in the market that supports both AngularJS and ReactJS. You will get a separate version of each though. It comes with light and dark themes and entirely responsive to any device. You can start working on your projects like SAAS, CRM, CMS, dashboard based projects as it’s well documented.
Material Design ReactJS Admin
Material admin dashboard templates was built inspired by Google’s material design. It is based on the best responsive framework like Bootstrap and ReactJS. It comes with 900+ official material design icons, numerous color schemes with 18 predefined schemes. It is 100% modular and supports lazy loading. Moreover, you will love its dark, gray, and light themes.
Dandelion Pro
Dandelion Pro is a premium ReactJS template that is written in javascript and built on Material-UI library. It gives you a clean modern design and 10+ email templates. You will also get 40+ reach components and modules that are reusable and easy to customize. It provides you light and dark themes along with multiple layouts and RTL support.
Veltrix is offering you their templates at various versions. You will get the version of ReactJS, NodeJS, Laravel, Ajax, and PHP. Along with these, you will also get pre-made pages like login, register, error, etc. It is in full compliance with RTL & LTR. It supports horizontal & vertical layouts.
Skote is another premium admin dashboard templates that offers you lots of new design widgets that are responsive on all screens. Along with these, you are getting 7+ different layouts to choose from. Skote is built with React-Redux Saga and Hooks with Firebase/ fack-backend authentication. It comes with beautiful pre-built templates with dark & light layouts with RTL options.
Endless is the name of the best ever React admin template with Hooks. It is purely built with ReactJS, so you won’t get any jQuery based files. It is the first-ever template in our list that lets you choose a dark, full dark, or semi-dark theme for your admin template. It offers you 6+ dashboards and more than 40+ customizer to give you web application a new look.
Create your web application or admin dashboard dashing and more functional with Shreyu admin dashboard templates. It is built on VueJS, ReactJS, AngularJS, Laravel, and Bootstrap so stop worrying about its responsiveness. So you are getting 5 elements in 1 bundle. It comes with built-in applications and pages including authentication, registration, profile, pricing, faq, etc.
If you want a powerful, elegant, modern, and responsive admin dashboard templates, Apex is the best choice for you. It is based on Bootstrap, AngularJS, RectJS, Redux-Saga, HTML5, etc. It is highly developer-friendly as well as customizable. You will also get some useful pre-built apps like chat, email, contacts, etc. It also provides 100+ advanced cards.
Portal admin dashboard templates is created by the successors of Triangular template. It provides you 4 templates in one package such as AngularJS, ReacJSt, HTML, and Sketch. It comes with 6 amazing looking layouts to suit your choice better along with 30+ elements pages, 7 example apps, ChartJS widgets, RxJs examples, cross-browser compatibility, etc.
Enlite Prime
Enlite Prime is a full-stack web application template that is created with the Material-UI library, ReactJS template. It will not work with WordPress or PHP. It features more than 30 react components in 9 categories. You will also get 6 pre-defined themes to give you a better look.
It gives you a responsive design based on standard 12 grid systems.
Lexa features HTML, React, Laravel, PHP, and Ajax version of their admin templates to assist you in building a web application or dashboards. It is ultra-responsive as it is based on the latest Bootstrap. You will get 6+ charts library, SASS support, 3 color schemes layouts, data tables, error pages, etc. You can change the layout style between Horizontal and Vertical layouts.
Fortress is another popular ReactJS admin dashboard templates that is responsive. It is also boosted up with Redux and Material-UI frameworks. You will get React components that are jQuery independent. Moreover, they are offering you features like Recharts, ReactTable, Webpack, etc. Fortress is fluid responsible and will support every modern device displays.
Mate is a simple, easy to use React-redux powered single page material admin dashboard templates that is highly optimized to assist your next application projects. With this one-page admin template, you are getting React router 4, webpack, Async Loading, Code splitting support, styled-components, and jQuery independency.
Eract is a premium Bootstrap and ReactJS based admin dashboard templates that comes with built-in support for SASS preprocessors. It is beginner-friendly as it does not use the implementation of redux or flux. You are getting a Ghost like navigation system, retina-ready, cross-browser support, and much more.
Angular Admin Templates
Metronic is the world’s no 1 Bootstrap and AngularJS based admin dashboard templates that has been bought multiple times from Themeforest. It is one of the best admin templates that supports any mobile device’s screen. You will get 12 unique pre-built professionally designed demos. Furthermore, more than 85000 people are relying on this template right now.
Fuse is another premium responsive admin dashboard templates that is available on React JS and AngularJS 8+. You will also design Google’s top-notch material design that will surely attract you. It comes with authentication pages, coming-soon pages, error pages, maintenance pages, and much more. Its layouts are fully entirely configurable and flexible.
If you want to build web UI for your applications or dashboard, Pages is the right admin template that you should check out. Through Pages, you can create a web UI in the simplest and fastest way. Now icons of material design are no more blurred when you resize them. With the power of AngularJS 8+, you can calibrate your color palette effortlessly and will get 5 dashboard layouts.
Angulr is a robust web admin dashboard templates that is available in both Bootstrap and AngularJS. You can complete any application process simply with the assist of Angulr. Plus, you are getting powerful and effective features like lazy loading, nested routing, LESS CSS, Grunt tasks, and much more. Projects built with this would support every mobile screen without any hassle.
The name Apex suggests something that is supreme. Here we are looking at Apex admin dashboard templates which is the best of the best. It is based on Angular 10+ and the latest bootstrap to support every mobile display and customize it with infinite possibilities. It comes with 7 solid & 7 gradient menu color variations, 50+ charts, 50+ advance cards, etc.
With more than 3k sales on Themeforest, Altair has successfully made it on our list today. It’s a professionally designed template that is based on AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap. With the power of those languages and frameworks, you can design great UI that would look great on any mobile device. Furthermore, material designed icons make your design stunning.
Next, we have ThemeKit in our list that is a multi-packed admin dashboard templates that includes numerous premium themes enriched for various niches. It is crafted with the latest Bootstrap and AngularJS to deliver you an ultra-responsive experience. It preloaded with 329 HTML pages along with numerous features and UI components to assist you.
Xenon is the name of another Premium admin dashboard templates that is based on Bootstrap and AngularJS. It offers you enough UI components, layout variants, and theme skin that make a total of 136 HTML files. It is also based on the LESS preprocessor of CSS that lets you create a unique personal version of Xenon.
Make is an AngularJS based admin dashboard templates that is flat, and responsive. It is also based on the latest Bootstrap framework to let you customize your heart’s content. It comes with 4 ready-made admin themes to let you make a dashboard in no time. Plus, it supports the drag & drop feature to let you create a website without coding.
Like Clip-One, Clip-Two is another best premium admin dashboard templates that make your dashboard look visually stunning and functional. It is based on AngularJS, HTML, and Bootstrap to let you customize your dashboard swiftly. It is packed with 6 Color skins and 2 complete themes. Moreover, it supports RTL, lazy load, nestable lists liner icons, validation forms, etc.
Clean UI
Clean UI is the name of an admin dashboard templates that lets you build user interfaces in an exceptionally simple way with the power of React, Vue, AngularJS, HTML, etc. It includes numerous amazing & user-friendly interfaces with fast ready-made components. It supports Retina ready, Light & Dark themes, etc. You will also get 99+ widgets to customize.
If you want a admin dashboard templates that is based on the latest AngularJS, you should not miss out on checking Triangular. It provides you an incredible Material design that looks amazing. You will get 5 dashboards, 6 template layouts, tons of page designs, numerous example apps, and much more. It is fully responsive and fully customizable.
If you are looking for a beauty web UI kit for your next application, you should check out Flatkit which is based on Bootstrap and AngularJS. It supports every modern device’s display. With Flatkit, you will get 6 awesome looking pre-built layouts, unlimited color variant, etc. You can also use more than 100 Grunt plugins to faster your app.
Minovate is another premium admin dashboard templates that contains lots of example pages with numerous ready to use elements that are highly customizable. It is based on Bootstrap, CSS3, HTML, and AngularJS that lets you customize the admin panel the way you want. It includes Font-Awesome icons, ready-made PSD templates, and many more.
Egret is a better-looking premium dashboard template that is well-organized and clean. If you wish a dashboard template that is AngularJS based without including the Bootstrap framework, Egret is the perfect choice for you. It includes more than 10 material designed admin templates, theme switch dropdown, profile page, material icons, gallery page, some example apps, etc.
Able Pro
Able Pro dashboard template is carefully crafted with high-performance demand for your upcoming web application projects. It is fully responsive and retina ready. It is based on AngularJS, Grunt, Bower, and Sass. You will get 150+ pre-built pages with detailed customization, 100+ widgets, 5000+ font icons, 250+ pages, 4 dashboards, etc.
Gull is a modern-looking Admin template that is based on AngularJS, Bootstrap 4, and Laravel 8. It is packed with 4 dashboard templates to save your time from creating one from the scratch. You are also getting full SASS, support, data table, horizontal & vertical layouts, eCharts, etc. Moreover, you are also getting 2000+ premium Icons Mind icons, 30+ card widgets, etc.
Fury is one of the robust, dynamic, & easy to use template that is created for an amazing performance. With its material design, you can give a modern clean look to your web application or dashboard. It is based on AngularJS10 & Angular-CLI. It is packed with 300+ material icons, material designs with Angular Material 2, 4 pre-built layouts, etc.
Material Design Admin with AngularJS
If you want an admin template that is Google Material Design inspired and built with Bootstrap & AngularJS, Material Design Admin with AngularJS is the right choice for you. You will get a material design admin template & landing page, material elements & icons, numerous powerful layouts, responsive designs, 17 effective components, 10 form elements. etc.
Square is an entirely responsive and customizable admin dashboard template that is created with Bootstrap and AngularJS. It supports various color schemes so that you can create your own template by changing a few variables. It also comes with numerous pre-built templates to choose the right one.
Primer is a material designed creative template that comes with an AngularJS version and a React version that supports RTL, dark & light color schemes. After buying this template you can work on SAAS, CRM, CMS, or dashboard based projects. It is an entirely responsive, well documented, and an easy to use template.
With 6 pre-built layouts, 36 color schemes, and 1000+ ready-made pages, Packet is a famous AngularJS and HTML based web app template. It is also based on the latest Bootstrap to support the screens of laptops, mobile, and desktop. It supports RTL, Tree views, Lazy loads scripts & styles, Font-Awesome icons, and much more.
Materialism is a modern material designed admin template that is based on AngularJS and Bootstrap 3. If you are searching for a suitable combination of plugins and modules, your searching is over. With it, you are getting material designs, animations, etc. You are also getting 2 versions of the template, one is HTML based and another one is AngularJS based.
Learnly is one of the best-looking premium LMS templates that is built with Bootstrap and Google’s material design. It comes with over 135 HTML pages. Buying this one template you are getting 2 standalone versions; an HTML version and an AngularJS version. It comes with interfaces for students, instructors, courses, etc for learning management applications or websites.
Vex offers you incredible looking flexible layouts made just for your projects. You will get 5 pre-built layouts that are combinable and customizable with infinite theming capabilities. You will also get the pre-built application designs that are ready to use and customize. It is built with AngularJS 10 and the Angular-CLI. It has everything that you need to start your CRM projects.
Vue Admin Templates
Metronic is a versatile admin dashboard template that comes with HTML, Angular, React, Vue, and Laravel versions. There are more than 12 unique handcrafted demos inside this template and you can choose any of them to prepare your project or app. With 200+ widgets and many awesome feature, this template makes a perfect choice for your Vue admin app.
Vuexy is one of the best selling Vuejs based admin dashboard template that also comes with HTML, Reacjs, and Laravel version. Vuexy is fully RTL ready and entirely responsive, therefore it will run exactly perfect on any devices and with any language. There is also dark and light versions available for the template.
Clean UI Pro Bundle
Clean UI Pro Bundle – A modular admin template framework that provides you with 99+ widgets, 17+ apps, and light/dark themes. This template comes with Vue, React, Angular, Html, and Laravel versions. You can build any web applications, web sites, hybrid apps, crm, cms, etc. In another word its a perfect kick starter for your project.
Gull is a very unique 5 in one admin dashboard template that provides a starter kit for Bootstrap, Laravel, React, Angular, and Vuejs. It offers five different dashboard versions with unique designs. You can choose any of these dashboard versions to create your app or project. This template is also packed with 2000+ premium icons mind icons.
Shreyu is one of the full-featured premium admin dashboard templates that is entirely responsive and works to access all modern browsers and devices. This template provides you with tons of flexible components, UI elements, application pages, etc. The well-structured code allows you to customize easily and build a modern web application with faster speed.
Material Design
Material design admin web template provides you modern clean design with high-performance Vue, react, and angular version. Material design is fully responsive and will be shown exactly the same on any device. This template is a good choice for material design lovers.
OneUI Vue edition is a pure Vue.js version of OneUI template remasters. This professional admin dashboard template will enable youtube to build any kind of website, apps using fast and powerful layouts. More than 13000 businesses and freelancers are already using this template.
If you are looking for an admin dashboard template with a combination of great design, quality code, and attention for details then you can choose the Piaf template. It comes with a smart menu, superfine charts, pleasant designs, and no Jquery dependency. It is packed with four different dashboards, 10 color schemes, 3 applications, icons mind web fonts, and a lot of other features.
Clear is a minimal VueJS2 based admin template that comes with 2 different color variations and a responsive design. No matter if your user is using mobile or any other device, your app built with Clear template will always look perfect on any sized device. This template is packed with 70+ pages and 4 icon families.
Air UI
Air UI is the Ultimate Admin/dashboard template framework that will help to make your admin template more professional and premium. It is the full set of modern Bootstrap, AngularJS, ReactJS, and VueJS based templates. All of its element is super easy to customize. It has a vast collection of limitless components to boost your application’s UI/ UX.
Skote is not best only for its ReactJS based admin templates, but also for its VueJS based template. It’s a premium template that is independent of jQuery with reusable components. It comes with handy features like Firebase/Fack-backend authentication, multi-lingual supported, clean & well-commented codes, and many more.
With 9 different dashboard examples and 150+ components, ArchitectUI can be useful to you if you wish to have a nice design of your application’s admin or dashboard template. They also have included some useful plugins to add more functionalities to your applications dashboard such as Block UI, Calender, Slick Slider, CountUP, Sticky header, Layout splitters, etc.
Devinvue lets you build your new project with ease and fast. It is built with Vue 2 and Element. Element is a component library with design resources for developers & designers. It is based on Veu 2.0. It comes with the latest version of Bootstrap to provide you better responsiveness and better customization. You will also get prebuilt Light, Dark, and Gradient templates.
With over 4 prebuilt dashboards and clean modern design, Orbiter will surely catch your eyes to try this admin template out for your upcoming projects. It features online documentation that makes it easy for new developers. It also has dedicated demos for CRM, eCommerce, Hospital, and more. You will get 100+ pages, 7+ icon sets, 5 unique dashboard layouts, etc with it.
Vito is another Vue based admin template that comes with 3 dashboards, awesome charts, 6+ working apps, and 8+ cool demos. It also supports advanced integration like Firebase integration, Agora video call, JWT login, Auth0, Social login, etc. Moreover, you will get a theme customizer along with 4 color schemes.
If you are more into Demos for your web applications admin/dashboard template, you should check out Sofbox admin template for your web apps. It offers you tons of features like 10+ homepage layouts, 3+ header styles, Clean code, hover effects, fully responsive, and much more. They are the first-ever Skeuomorphic SoftUI template on Themeforest.
If you are looking for an admin template best suited for medical & hospital, XRay is the perfect match for you. It is based on VueJS, HTML, and Bootstrap. They are offering 6 dashboard layouts along with 4+ demos from which you can choose one and create your clean looking web app more elegant and stunning. It works seamlessly with all modern browsers and phones.
BonVue is not only popular but also a fully responsive open source premium admin template that is based on VueJS and Bootstrap. It comes with 7 color skins to suit your design with your template. Moreover, it is based on a modular design that lets you customize easily. You are also getting 1700+ Font Icons, 500+ UI components, Range Slider, Lightbox, etc.
Luma Nuxt
If you want to develop a stunning user interface with Nuxt.JS and VueJS for modern education platforms, Luma Nuxt has been made just for you. It comes with huge 48 unique page designs along with 100+ Vue components. It is also based on the latest Boostrap to deliver ultra responsiveness. It is RTL ready with a simple switch.
Cubic is an award-winning Vue and Bootstrap based template that is highly responsive and configurable. Cubic has managed to add 3 demos, several eCommerce elements, an email application, 200+ UI components, widgets. Charts, tables, forms, etc. in it. It also features 12 color skins and 800+ Font Icons, multilevel dropdown, and many more.
Endless is one of the best Admin templates available in the market for designing your admin dashboard with endless possibilities. It is based on Vue CLI 3. It includes smooth customizer, light & dark templates with multiple color options. It also includes Feather Icons, RTL support, Data Table, Range Slider, jQuery independency, etc.
Basix is an incredible Admin/dashboard template that is based on Bootstrap, VueJs, and Chart.JS. It offers you a flat design that everyone will like. It also supports Font Awesome icons to give your words a new image. It is also jQuery independent for developing. It comes with 80+ component variations, 60+ useful widgets, built it pages, Modals, and much more.
Vue Material Dashboard
With Vue Material Dashboard you can create beautiful dashboards in no time. It is built over Vue Material and VueJS. Using the dashboard is a piece of cake but requires some basic knowledge of Javascript, VueJS, and Vue Router. It is packed with 200 handcrafted elements, 15 customized plugins, 28 example pages, and much more. It is also a Bootstrap based template.
Midone is an entirely responsive web UI component and an admin dashboard template. It is designed carefully to supports various device screens. It comes with 100+ HTML 5 templates, 3 menu variants, 3 user layouts, 3 blog layouts, Accordion components, Chat applications, etc.
If you wish to have a minimal, modern, and clean social network and community dashboard template with built-in ready to use pages, you should try SociaIV. It is based on the latest VueJS and Boostrap. So customize it the way you want. It includes some cool features like hover effects, cross-browser optimization, Google font & icon, and much more.
Last Words
Hope you have found your desired template from this post. Let me know which one you choose. If you choose a different one other than this list, please mention it. If you liked this post please share it.
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